Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dairy Entry 2 - Food

Dear Diary,

Today we ran little on food supplies, due to the fact that the servants did not work fast enough. I mean we only eat two meals a day, one at morning and one at dusk, its not a lot. Most Egyptians but their food from the market but we don't have time so i servants make it for us. i geuss i feel sorry for them because we get to eat off gold and silver plates, while they have to eat out off clay dishes, and besides that the food on out plate is much better. A common meal for a peasant might be boiled or roasted beef, assorted vegetables, fruit (usually figs and grapes), a slice of bread, and beer. We get much more. Although bread is a everyday food of both the lower and the upper class. I love lentils and my favorite fruit are dates and apples.


AIW said...

This is a great piece of work! I am very impressed by your efforts in both the writing and the use of images.

AIW said...

But remember - it is Diary not Dairy!