Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Diary Entry 6 - Employment

dear diary,

there are many different jobs in Ancient Egypt, currently i have no job but i am looking in to some because i have to choos by Monday and today it Friday, i have to start my reaserch.

i found 2 jobs that i am very interested in, the first one is a scribe, i enjoy writting very much so this job appealed to me, anyone could learn to be a scribe if they had the talent. Learning to be a script was a complicated process. Scribes went to scribe school. Most who attended did not pass the course. In ancient Egypt, everything was written down, especially lists. Scribes were in high demand. Good scribes could work their way up, all the way to Pharaoh's court. This job sounds amazing.

I also like the idea of being artist, my mother is an artist and she could help me if i choses this prfession. Ancient Egyptian art is five thousand years old. It emerged and took shape in the ancient Egypt. Expressed in paintings and sculptures, it was highly symbolic and fascinating - this art form revolves round the past and was intended to keep history alive. this is a brief summary of art considering i already wrote a diary entry about it. i love the idea that i was an artist i would have the opportunity to keep the history of my country flowing to the next genertaion, it would be a great honour.
i was thinking about these two options and i think that i am going to be an artist becasue i aslo watch my mother paint and the effort that goes in is exaclty what she gets out of it in the end, i love to see her happy face and hear the sroty she tells me that is shown in the painting so for those reasons i want to be an artist.

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